I haven't posted in several months because ...
Well, I prioritize my Car Style Critic and Art Contrarian blogs. Plus I travel a fair amount. And then there's life to be lived as external factors emerge such as last week's high school classmates annual get-together.
I feel kinda guilty about non-blogging here. So I came up with what might be The Solution.
It seems that towards the end of many afternoons I run out of internet-related things to do. Worked on posts for the other blogs. Read all that interested me on the blogs I follow. Finished gathering images of automobiles for the styling blog. But at this point I'm tired and am not in the mood for coming up with topics for Retired Blowhard.
The answer to this problem (I hope) is to create a System.
The system involves making a list of potential topics every so often while having my afternoon Starbucks. Flip open a paper napkin, pull out my ballpoint pen and begin thinking and associating. Today, with no distractions, I came up with 20 subjects by the time my "tall drip" was drunk. Then I write in the afternoon when I've run out of other things to do yet have a topic available.
My idea is to post something once or twice per week unless I'm on the road. I hope this works. But no guarantee.